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Property Value Default Description
min int16 0 minimum value of the indicator
max int16 100 maximum value of the indicator
val int16 0 current value of the indicator
critical_value int16 80 scale color will be changed to scale_end_color after this value
label_count uint8 number of labels (and major ticks) of the scale
line_count uint16 31 number of minor ticks of the entire scale
angle 0-360 240 angle between start and end of the scale
rotation 0-360 0 offset for the gauge's angles to rotate it
format uint16 0 divider for major tick values

To strip trailing zero's of major tick labels the format divider can be used to scale the values before printing:

  • 0 : print the major tick value as is
  • 1 : strip 1 zero, i.e. divide tick value by 10 before printing the major tick label
  • 2 : strip 2 zeros, i.e. divide tick value by 100 before printing the major tick label
  • 3 : strip 3 zeros, i.e. divide tick value by 1000 before printing the major tick label
  • 4 : strip 4 zeros, i.e. divide tick value by 10000 before printing the major tick label

Only these values are allowed, arbitrary numbers are not supported.


min, max and val also support negative values.

Example jsonl

Use scale properties to customize.