Styling Properties
You can adjust the appearance of objects by changing the foreground, background and/or border color of each object. Some objects allow for more complex syling, effectively changing its appearance or its sub-components.
Properties with a boolean data type accept these values and are case insensitive:
- true / ON / 1 / yes
- false / OFF / 0 / no
Color values can be:
- Short names (from table below)
- RGB hex code (
) - Short hex code (
) - RGB565 number format (
Hex Code | Short Name | Hex Code | Short Name |
#00FFFF |
Cyan or Aqua | #FFC0CB |
Pink |
#00FF00 |
Lime | #DDA0DD |
Plum |
#008000 |
Green | #DA70D6 |
Orchid |
#008080 |
Teal | #EE82EE |
Violet |
#0000FF |
Blue | #FF00FF |
Magenta or Fuchsia |
#000080 |
Navy | #800080 |
Purple |
#808000 |
Olive | #4B0082 |
Indigo |
#CD853F |
Peru | #B00000 |
Blush |
#A0522D |
Sienna | #FF0000 |
Red |
#A52A2A |
Brown | #FF6347 |
Tomato |
#800000 |
Maroon | #FA8072 |
Salmon |
White | #FF7F50 |
Coral |
Snow | #FFA500 |
Orange |
Ivory | #FFD700 |
Gold |
#FAF0E6 |
Linen | #FFFF00 |
Yellow |
#F5F5DC |
Beige | #F0E68C |
Khaki |
Azure | #FFE4C4 |
Bisque |
#C0C0C0 |
Silver | #F5DEB3 |
Wheat |
#808080 |
Gray or Grey | #D2B48C |
Tan |
#000000 |
Black |
Setting Color~
Return values~
When retrieving the color of an object, both the HTML representation as the RGB values are returned seperately.
The format will be a json object with components:
- color : 6 digit hexadecimal code preceeded by a hash
sign. - r : byte value for red (
) - g : byte value for green (
) - b : byte value for blue (
For example, the color returned by a color picker change event is:
General styling options.
Property | Value | Default | Description |
enabled | bool | true | object is touchable if false a disabled style is applied |
The color and gradient used for drawing the background of an object.
Property | Type | Description |
bg_opa | byte | The background opacity level |
bg_color | color | The background color |
bg_grad_color | color | The background gradient color |
bg_grad_dir | [0..2] | 0 = none (=default) 1 = horizontal 2 = vertical |
bg_grad_stop | byte | Specifies where the gradient should stop. 0 = at left/top most position 255= at right/bottom most position (=default) |
bg_main_stop | byte | Specifies where should the gradient start 0 = at left/top most position (=default) 255= at right/bottom most position |
To adjust the background style of a page use pXb0
where X
is the page number.
The border is drawn on top of the background. It has radius rounding.
Property | Type | Description |
border_color | color | Specifies the color of the border |
border_opa | byte | Specifies opacity of the border |
border_width | byte | Set the width of the border |
border_side | byte | Specifies which sides of the border to draw. 0 = none 1 = bottom 2 = top 4 = left 8 = right 15 = full A sum of these values is also possible to select specific sides. |
border_post | bool | If true the border will be drawn after all children have been drawn. |
Padding and Margin~
Padding sets the space on the inner sides of the edges. It means "I don't want my children too close to my sides, so keep this space". Padding inner sets the "gap" between the children. Margin sets the space on the outer side of the edges. It means "I want this space around me".
Objects use them to set spacing. See the documentation of the objects for the details.
Property | Type | Description |
pad_top | int16 | Set the padding on the top |
pad_bottom | int16 | Set the padding on the bottom |
pad_left | int16 | Set the padding on the left |
pad_right | int16 | Set the padding on the right |
pad_inner | int16 | Set the padding inside the object between children |
margin_top | int16 | Set the margin on the top |
margin_bottom | int16 | Set the margin on the bottom |
margin_left | int16 | Set the margin on the left |
margin_right | int16 | Set the margin on the right |
The shadow is a blurred area under the object.
Property | Type | Description |
shadow_color | color | Color of the shadow |
shadow_opa | byte | Specifies opacity of the shadow |
shadow_width | int16 | Set the width (blur size) of the outline |
shadow_ofs_x | int16 | Set the an X offset for the shadow |
shadow_ofs_y | int16 | Set the an Y offset for the shadow |
shadow_spread | byte | Make the shadow larger than the background in every direction by this value |
Properties for textual objects only.
Property | Type | Description |
text_color | color | Color of the text |
text_opa | byte | Opacity level of the text [0-255] |
text_font | byte | The Font ID |
text_letter_space | int16 | Distance between letters of the text, can be a negative number |
text_line_space | int16 | Distance between lines of the text, can be a negative number |
text_decor | byte | Add text decoration. 0 = none (=default) 1 = underline 2 = strikethrough 3 = underline and strikethrough |
text_sel_color | color | Set background color of text selection |
Value is an arbitrary text drawn on top of an object. It can be a lightweight replacement for creating label objects.
Property | Type | Description |
value_str | string | Text to display |
value_color | color | Color of the text |
value_opa | byte | Opacity level of the text [0-255] |
value_font | byte | The Font ID |
value_letter_space | int16 | Distance between letters of the text, can be a negative number |
value_line_space | int16 | Distance between lines of the text, can be a negative number |
value_align | align | Alignment of the text. Can be: none, left, right, top, bottom, full or center (=default) |
value_ofs_x | int16 | X offset from the original position of the alignment |
value_ofs_y | int16 | Y offset from the original position of the alignment |
Properties for line meter objects.
Property | Type | Description |
line_color | color | Color of the line |
line_opa | byte | Opacity level of the line [0-255] |
line_width | int16 | Width of the line |
line_dash_width | int16 | Width of dash. Dashing is drawn only for horizontal or vertical lines. 0 = disable dash (= default) |
line_dash_gap | int16 | Gap between two dash line. Dashing is drawn only for horizontal or vertical lines. 0 = disable dash (= default) |
line_rounded | bool | true = draw rounded line endings. Default = false |
The properties for styling the scale of line meter or gauge objects.
Property | Type | Description |
scale_grad_color | color | Make gradient to this color on the scale lines |
scale_end_color | color | Color of the scale lines in the end region |
scale_width | int16 | Width of the scale |
scale_border_width | int16 | Width of a border drawn on the outer side of the scale in the normal region |
scale_end_border_width | int16 | Width of a border drawn on the outer side of the scale in the end region |
scale_end_line_width | int16 | Width of a scale lines in the end region |